Hi there!
Welcome to my blog.
I wanted to write a quick post about who I am and how my identity is important to me as an illustrator, so a quick introduction is needed!
As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I feel it is important to be proud of who you are. I like to insert my personality and identity into my artwork so that it aligns with my values and dedication to creating diverse and inclusive content in my illustration practice.
I was diagnosed with Autism in my 20s, and I have found that this is something which I feel is important to raise awareness, understanding and acceptance of within my illustrations since it often is misunderstood by wider society.
I feel that my illustration practice leaning towards children's illustration can help to educate young people about minority groups in a fun and inclusive way, and I plan to continue working on projects that reflect who I am as a creator and the lived experiences I have which can inspire my work.
I hope to share my work as I begin my journey into becoming an illustrator.
Stay tuned!
By Alison Howard