This is a blog that I hope can help those struggling with the dreaded feeling of "art block" and creating stories.
During my studies, we were asked to follow a simple format to create a 10 page narrative comic, which proved a fun way to create simple and creative narratives.
In this blog, I will explain this technique as I feel it is a great way to engage your brain into creating work that is fun and experimental.
You will need:
× 2 random images
(this can be from magazines, Google, Pinterest etc - anything that you like! Just make sure they're random and unrelated.)
Illustration Materials
e.g. pen and paper, digital tablet, anything you like!
Step 1: Start with one of your chosen images.
This image will act as the first image of your 10 page comic.
The aim of this is to create a story that starts with/from your first chosen image and ends with the second chosen image by filling in the gaps using 8 pages of illustrations to tell a story - the chosen images act as "bookends" to the story.
The rules:
The two chosen images must act as the first and last page of your comic
The story must somehow get from one image to the second in a creative and logical way
No text! Try to tell the story using illustrations only.
Have fun! Create the wackiest story you like, it's just about experimenting and having fun with it.
These were the two images that I was given by my tutor:

Step 2: Plan out a storyboard.
1. Start sketching out a 10-page storyboard (remember that images 1 and 10 are the chosen found images from step 1!)
It helps to draw your own blank storyboard similar to the one I mapped out below:

2. Sketch out panels that are well-paced and are logical ideas of how the story can get from Image 1 to Image 2.
Play around with which image you want to put at the start and end - whichever makes more sense in your head.
I decided that for my story, the chihuahua runs away and finds himself inside a circus tent performing different tricks.
Step 3: Finalise it!
When you're happy with your story, start illustrating it however you feel fits best!
Here is what I created:
I hope you find this technique as fun as I did, and if you try this out, tag me on Instagram @alisonhowardillustration with the hashtag #comicswithalison and I'll check them out!
Have fun!
By Alison Howard
